On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Edward Ned Harvey
<solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>> You do understand that the jive-forum interface he is referring to, is
>> the Opensolaris.org one, don't you?
> So?

The point was that, even with paid support AND a full time staff of
several people dedicated to the website, the OpenSolaris jive/mailman
configuration and interaction is less than perfect, making the
arguments we've been hearing (and hearing and hearing...) that one
particular type is obviously better than the other seem pretty stupid.
 In this case, BOTH the paid software and the open source packages are
lame and poorly integrated...

In the one case, you need a vendor who responds with a better product
that you can use; in the other, you need staff that is motivated and
capable of adding a desired feature; OS's Jive/Mailman example simply
shows the failure mode when you don't get what in theory should be
easy or obvious, for whatever reason....

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