On 2011-02-04 Bryen wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 13:31 +0900, Satoru Matsumoto wrote:
> > Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> > > A.  We recommend formally changing the name to ""Open Build Service"
> > > 
> > > B.  We recommend formally changing the name to OBS and allowing people
> > > to use "openSUSE Build Service" or "open Build Service" as they see
> > > fit.
> > > 
> > > C.  Leave it as is - openSUSE Build Service
> > 
> > I vote for B.
> > 
> > Since the words 'openSUSE Build Service' are already all over the
> > *.opensuse.org sites, we have to replace *ALL* of them with 'Open Build
> > Service' if we change the name.
> > 
> > So, I'd like to ask you, who will vote for A: Are you willing to replace
> > the words 'openSUSE Build Service' which are already on whole
> > *.opensuse.org sites with 'Open Build Service' responsibly?
> > 
> > If the answer is 'No, someone except me should do.', I'm sorry to say
> > you are an irresponsible person. Only if the answer is 'Yes, I'll
> > volunteer to do so.', the option A would be a compelling opinion.
> > 
> > Best,
> That's a valid concern.  And I just poked someone in the wiki team to
> ask how difficult this challenge would be.  From a technical standpoint,
> it's not that difficult to install an extension from mediawiki to do
> mass edits.  At the very least, we could produce a list of all pages
> that have that string and a group of us volunteer to go through pages
> one-by-one to clean it up.  Obviously this only applies to pages where
> the full "openSUSE Build Service" string exists.  Those where OBS is
> only used, no need to worry.
> So... I'm volunteering to jump on on the cleanup effort if that's what
> is eventually decided upon.
> I remind you all that again, we are only voting on a recommendation to
> give to the OBS team.  We're not actually making a decision here.
> Thanks,
> Bryen

Assuming everyone who didn't reply doesn't have a strong opinion or isn't that 
interested, the conclusion is that we go for option A: Open Build Service. 
Bryen has offered to make sure it all looks good in the wiki and other pages.

So, Bryen or Helen - which one of you communicates this to the OBS people, 
tell them the marketing team recommends a name change to Open Build Service 
and will take care of the renaming work on the websites?

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