Sandy Drobic wrote:
> What might offer an additional value is an archive of tested solutions to
> problems, something like a how-to-solve-problems-wiki. That could be
> refered to on the mailing list to answer problems quickly and decisively.
> Though it still wouldn't be a forum.

Useful point, I seem to remember both MajorDomo and (I think it was
called) Mailman listservers had parallel admin  accounts so one could
subscribe, unsubscribe, ask for the List FAQ, get a list description etc
etc. by sending a mail with the relevant request.

I personally have mixed views about forums (annoying things like
preparing a response, finding you have been logged out, and having to
redo response; and brain dead search options.... oh of course [EMAIL PROTECTED]
advertising)  However, good moderators can keep a close control on
duplicate threads, rambling threads, and bad behaviour, so the
information to noise ratio can be better than a mailing lists....
fn:Graham T. Smith
n:Smith;Graham T.
adr:Barton upon Humber;;90 Bowmandale;;North Lincs.;DN18 5EA;UK
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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