I would say..Orion has almost no publicity other than word of mouth right
now. Orion is just starting out compared to WebLogic, IIS, and what not.
Give them some time..people are reluctant to turn to a small company with
such a cheap price. I hate to say it, and I hope they don't change their
price, but believe it or not, if Orion raised its license price to say
$10,000 per server (hopefully not cpu), they might actually get more
interest. I think there is still a lot of testing and what not to do before
they should do that, if they even want to. Quite frankly, I like what they
are doing. They offer a kick-ass server for a affordable price..very good
for small to medium sized companies to use. There are a LOT more small to
medium sized companies than big companies, so even if they are 1/10th the
price (or 1/40th if you compare 4 cpu servers), I would be that the Orion
team will see a lot of sales in the small/medium market, which could
actually give them alot more money in the bank. On top of that, I don't know
how many people Orion employs, but I know WebLogic is over 1500 people,
large facility, etc. WebLogic spends a hell of a lot more on salaries,
travel expenses, marketing, etc. In my opinion..maybe its just me, but I
trust Orion or Apache over the big names. Plus..as I said, I can't start up
my own company using WebLogic. I can with Orion. Better yet, Orion has thus
far beat the hell out of every major (and as far as I can tell..every small)
vendor of app servers (J2EE supporters I should say) as far as staying ahead
of the ballgame, offering great performance, the best J2EE support, and the
easiest to set up. I played around with WebLogic for two weeks (on and off)
and still couldn't get my simple JSP page to show up. WebSphere was a
nightmare, and while Resin was easy to work with, its not a full J2EE app
server. IIS is easy enough, but its not J2EE, so fork that choice. JRun
sucks..we have used it, tried JRun 3.0 and were not happy with it.
SilverStream had nothing fancy in my opinion..they are in the same boat as
IBM WebSphere..about a year late for the full J2EE support. I can't even
believe IBM WebSphere still doesn't support Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1! I don't
care how many billions you put into your software..if it doesn't even meet
the standards that have been in place for almost a year now..it sure doesn't
say a lot to me that the money is being spent in the right places!
OAS..well, I have heard nothing but bad things about Oracles solution, and
this coming from some neigbors that develop the Oracle software! Meanwhile,
you have little itty bitty Orion (Ok..they are big to me! ;) over here
support EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3, full J2EE support, clusterable, easy to set
up, fast, etc..

I sound like I am a sales man for Orion, but you know..I tend to read up and
test alot of the latest stuff and Orion kicks the competitions ass hands
down. Maybe if JRun, or someone else came out with much better products I
would be on those mailing lists. I just don't see that happening.

Ok..I went off..sorry. Go with Orion!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Eggink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 5:09 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Orion in production
> I don't know what's the downside of believing these statistics.
> On http://www.netcraft.com:
> click on 'what's that site running'
> click on 'help'
> click on 'range'
> click on 'Index' (of Sept 2000 of course)
> Hit Ctrl-F and search for orion.
> It tells you 1238 servers are running orion. (If you want 
> your boss to go ahead with orion, don't show him number 5 on 
> the list!)
> Frank
> On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:38 PM, Sven van 't Veer 
> > "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi!
> > > 
> > > I have been using orion for about 6 months now, and now, 
> as I'm finishing my
> > > app, I need to sell orion to my customers...
> > > For this, it would be *VERY* valuable to have a list of 
> sites (on the
> > > internet or intranets) which use orion...
> > > 
> > > So, basically, what I have in mind is that anybody on 
> this list that wishes
> > > to report a site as being partiallly/fully powered by orion,
> > > report it to my email address, [EMAIL PROTECTED], so 
> that I can make a list
> > > of these, to publish it on WWW
> > > 
> > > I think this will prove useful for us all.
> > www.cachoeiro.net
> > www.snpc.com.br
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> ==============================================================
> ========================
> > Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
> > http://www.cachoeiro.net
> > Java Developer                                              
>             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> ==============================================================
> ========================
> > 

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