"Duffey, Kevin" wrote:
> easiest to set up. I played around with WebLogic for two weeks (on and off)
> and still couldn't get my simple JSP page to show up. WebSphere was a
> nightmare, and while Resin was easy to work with, its not a full J2EE app
> server. 

> IBM WebSphere..about a year late for the full J2EE support. I can't even
> believe IBM WebSphere still doesn't support Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1! I don't
> care how many billions you put into your software..if it doesn't even meet
> the standards that have been in place for almost a year now..it sure doesn't
> say a lot to me that the money is being spent in the right places!

> Meanwhile,
> you have little itty bitty Orion (Ok..they are big to me! ;) over here
> support EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3, full J2EE support, clusterable, easy to set
> up, fast, etc..
> I sound like I am a sales man for Orion, but you know..I tend to read up and
> test alot of the latest stuff and Orion kicks the competitions ass hands
> down. 

AFIK Orion is a very small company, only a hand full of people which is
great. IMHO lagre companies waste a lof of time and money on meetings
and stuff like that which is really bad for productions. Before starting
for myself I worked in a couple of those and, eventhough the salary is
generally very good the working climate sucks. I hate meetings, 90 % of
the time is wasted discussing off-topic issues. The company I worked for
had about 50 developers working which isn't even that big (considering
Weblogic witb it's 1500). Every day started with a staff meeting of one
hour with the section heads and one hour of the section heads  with all
the section members, resulting in about man hours lost per section per

If there is anything that makes small companies great, it's their
agility. Orion has already implemented mos t of the EJB 2.0 specs while
weblogin has just launched it's fully 1.1 compliant server.

I'd take Orion over any othjer server, and not only because of it's
price, but because it seems there are some really competent people
working on this server.


Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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