
saya pernah terbaca satu artikel menyebut double-click sebagai dwi-ketik

"Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Orang Mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya
ialah yang paling baik akhlaknya."
(Hadith Riwayat Ahmad)."

On 20 March 2011 14:59, Ghodmode <> wrote:

> It's not really English.  These terms have been created for new concepts
> based existing English words, but the words don't retain their English
> meanings in this context.  Just like names of people and places, the terms
> have an identity that is lost when they're translated.  We should just use
> the new words and not think about them as English words.
> If you still want to create Malay words, then don't use the English words
> at all, use the underlying concepts.  For example, instead of "dwi klik",
> maybe it should be "dwi tekan" and allow it to evolve to one word like
> "dwitekan".
> Some suggestions :
>    - "click" is a sound, not an action, but in the context of
>    "double-click" it's the action of pressing a button.  If you really want to
>    translate it exactly, you should use "tekan dua kali" rather than "klik dua
>    kali".
>    - "Plug and Play" was originally a name for a specification from
>    Microsoft (ref: ).
>    Translating this would be like translating "Windows" to "Tingkap", but no
>    one would think that's a good idea.  It's used in a more general way now,
>    but it still shouldn't be translated.  "Plug" means to block or close a
>    hole; "tutup lubang".  "Play" means "main".  To say "Tutup Lubang dan Main"
>    is ridiculous.  If you want to, create a phrase from the underlying
>    concept... We connect the device and it works immediately without any 
> manual
>    installation or configuration... My BM isn't good enough to come up with 
> one
>    for this :)
>    - A "mouse" isn't an animal.  This definitely shouldn't be translated
>    at all, but if you really want to, use the concept of a pointing device.
>    - We don't actually "burn" a CD or DVD.  I don't even like this one in
>    English.  Use "write" (tulis).
> We could take this way too far... Translate "Microsoft" to "Kecillembut"...
> or in reverse, I could call that place where many of you live "Mud
> Estuary".  And while I'm thinking about it, why am I from "Amerika Syarikat"
> ("America Company"?) instead of "Negeri Bersatu" ("States United")?
> --
> Ghodmode
> 2011/3/19 AZHAR mohd zakaria <>
>> terima kasih
>> 2011/3/18 saiful <>
>>> hak milik
>>> 2011/3/18 Mohamad Imran <>
>>>> Berhak milik.
>>>> 2011/3/18 AZHAR mohd zakaria <>
>>>>> saya ada satu soalan cepumas apakah maksud terbaik untuk
>>>>> proprietry
>>>>> adakah ok kalau saya jawab "yang berkenaan dengan pemilik? tapi tak ke
>>>>> panjang? hahaha
>>>>> 2011/3/18 zarul shahrin <>
>>>>>> Kita juga kena fikir..
>>>>>> 1) Buku jenis apa?  Sastera, teknikal? Kita sedang bercakap mengenai
>>>>>> buku-buku teknikal.
>>>>>> 2) Berapa tinggi ilmu-ilmu yang ditawarkan buku-buku tersebut? Dulu
>>>>>> kawan saya cakap kat Indonesia banyak buku-buku teknikal. Tapi bila saya 
>>>>>> ke
>>>>>> sana , buku-bukunya kebanyakkan adalah "basic stuff".
>>>>>> 2011/3/18 red1 <>
>>>>>>>  Semasa di Thailand, saya perhati kat kedai buku mereka, terdapat
>>>>>>> banyak majalah terbaru dunia seperti GQ, Penthouse, Linux, Vogue, tetapi
>>>>>>> satu helai Inggeris pun tak ada. Semua diterjemahkan bulat-bulat ke 
>>>>>>> dalam
>>>>>>> bahasa Siyeh. Yalah.. mereka tak pernah dijajah.
>>>>>>> On 3/18/11 7:10 PM, zarul shahrin wrote:
>>>>>>> Sama seperti di Jerman, Russia, Jepun, Korea dan China.
>>>>>>>   But, do we have that many books?
>>>>>>>  Oh wait... Do we have that many experts?
>>>>>>>  Masa kat sekolah dulu, saya aktif juga dalam kelab catur (amatur
>>>>>>> jer)...Rasa kelakar pulak kat Malaysia ni tidak ada seorang pun 
>>>>>>> Grandmaster
>>>>>>> sedangkan Singapura, Indonesia, Filipina, Vietnam, semua dah ada.
>>>>>>>  Jadi kadang-kadang kita tak boleh membuat perbandingan terus.
>>>>>>> 2011/3/18 sallehy <>
>>>>>>>> Jika berkesempatan ke Indonesia, mungkin boleh belajar sesuatu.
>>>>>>>> Buku rujukan Bahasa Inggeris sukar cari makan katanya.
>>>>>>>>  Kedai buku bertingkat-tingkat penuh dengan bahasa mereka sendiri
>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>> 2011/3/18 zarul shahrin <>
>>>>>>>>> Sebenarnya saya lebih suka kalau  dulu belajar matematik dan sains
>>>>>>>>> dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Bila belajar benda lebih tinggi, kebanyakkan
>>>>>>>>> bahan-bahan rujukan yang bagus adalah di dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 
>>>>>>>>> Bahan-bahan
>>>>>>>>> rujukan dalam Bahasa Malaysia adalah terhad.
>>>>>>>>>  Disebabkan hal tersebut, ramai orang kita sibuk cuba
>>>>>>>>> menterjemahkan apa yang mereka terlebih dahulu belajar dalam Bahasa 
>>>>>>>>> Malaysia
>>>>>>>>> kepada Bahasa Inggeris dan sebaliknya sedangkan orang-orang lain yang 
>>>>>>>>> sejak
>>>>>>>>> dari mula  belajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris sibuk menguasai ilmu baru.
>>>>>>>>> 2011/3/18 darXness darXness <>
>>>>>>>>>>  sebab dah start dengan BI.cube imagine camniela.dlu2 kite blajar
>>>>>>>>>> math dalam BM.ok jerk.mmg senang jer rase.n then skrng nie math da 
>>>>>>>>>> ajar lam
>>>>>>>>>> BI.ade x sape2 yg leh jawab mcm care kite jawab dlu x?msti da pelik
>>>>>>>>>> da.dengan plus,surd,divide,tu baru skit.term2 len?
>>>>>>>>>> ngn science lagi.kalo suh kite jwb balik paper tu balik lam BI pn
>>>>>>>>>> da serabut.sbb,1st tep kite blajar lam BM.n camtu la setrusnye.same 
>>>>>>>>>> gak mcm
>>>>>>>>>> komp.kalo kite stat bljr lam BM,rasenyer xmustahil kot...
>>>>>>>>>>   2011/3/18 darXness darXness <>
>>>>>>>>>>>  2011/3/18 zarul shahrin <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aku tak dapat bayangkan belajar komputer dalam BM. Bagi lagi
>>>>>>>>>>>> berserabut kepala otak adalah.
>>>>>>>>>>>   sebab dah start dengan BI.cube imagine camniela.dlu2 kite
>>>>>>>>>>> blajar math dalam BM.ok jerk.mmg senang jer rase.n then skrng nie 
>>>>>>>>>>> math da
>>>>>>>>>>> ajar lam BI.ade x sape2 yg leh jawab mcm care kite jawab dlu x?msti 
>>>>>>>>>>> da pelik
>>>>>>>>>>> da.dengan plus,surd,divide,tu baru skit.term2 len?
>>>>>>>>>>> ngn science lagi.kalo suh kite jwb balik paper tu balik lam BI pn
>>>>>>>>>>> da serabut.sbb,1st tep kite blajar lam BM.n camtu la setrusnye.same 
>>>>>>>>>>> gak mcm
>>>>>>>>>>> komp.kalo kite stat bljr lam BM,rasenyer xmustahil kot...
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