But when it comes to swearing bahasa has a chance:
WTF (3), Pundek (2), Kanenabu (4 - hokkien dialect, cantonese is too vulgar)

On 3/20/11 10:44 PM, red1 wrote:
Its the syallables in Bahasa that are of higher quantity than many other languages i know. For example Hotel in bahasa will be Rumah Penginapan (6 syls).  Arabic is Funduq (2), cina also 2, French 2.
Discussion (3) in bahasa is perbincangan (4), Arabic is Muzakarah (4), Cina (2), French dialog (2).
Freedom (2), is Kebebasan (4), Arabic (3), Cina (2), French - Liberte (3)
Nine (1), Sembilan (3), Tas'a (2), Qiu (1), Neuf (1).
Love (1), Kasih-sayang (4), Habba (2), Ai (1), Aime (oneee).

Rather challenging for a binary world <-- try translating this in one breath.

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