
Conference like MOSC2011 and others OSS conference can be used by us
to develop "skilled apprenticeship". They can learn project management
and others soft skills during organizing the conferences.

Apprentice program can be done by each of us. Im on for teh tarik, can
we meet during OpenSuse Debian Gnome3 release party this Saturday?

I believe we can create this eco system. OSS community -> Universities
-> Industry + Government (GOV).

Fazli and I are working on with OSS certification organisation like
LPI, RHSE and PCBSD. Its can be the carrot for industry thats want to
see paper certification and for the students to gain that.

But those certifications need training, on the jobs training (OJT),
real time training. Thats where Apprentice program should come in.

Universities have industrial training 3 months to 6 months. Attach to
OSS community (we need place) or companies of OSS friends and OJT the
basis of OSS solutions.

We JV with universities to do OSS certification as add on to their
universities program.

Industry will get what they want, certified graduates and experience with OSS.

and GOV get their numbers. :)

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 2:56 AM, Boh Yap <> wrote:
> hi Red1,
> Agree, the 'Transformasi' is all about knowledge-based economy, and
> higher income... this can only come from innovation.
> How do you get 'innovators', well you can hope/bet on some geniuses
> will pop up.... or more likely, improve the nurture the skills, create
> a bigger pool of people with those skills (a qualitative and
> quantitative approach) and the chances of getting some innovators is
> much better.
> But just 'training', courses and exams are not good enough! That's
> what's been going on, and you have all those >10 A's students that
> aren't productive in a real job! The earlier discussion touched upon a
> good point - APPRENTICESHIP.
> What is needed is a FLOSS ECOSYSTEM, provide an environment for
> hands-on practical learning, provide nurturing and sharing of passion
> with/by Mentors (or experianced techies), kick-start some projects to
> work on, add some funding and of course ppl with passion. I believe
> that all these 'pieces'  are lying round out there... 'we'(all FLOSS
> community) have to sit down and stitch it together, put in some plans,
> structures and commitment and make it work. And I'm sure we have
> enough ideas out there, and we gotta stop re-inventing wheels and work
> together. Building the ECOSYSTEM is important, because without that,
> it'll just be another one-off project, it cannot be sustainable.
> Then hopefully, out of that ecosystem, maybe we can produce another FB
> or equivalent. Not Nobel prize I don't think, for that we need pretty
> good Academic Insttuitions, and besides our academics has gotta up
> their publication of academic papers first!
> Hey Red1, I see you got your apprenticeship program started, that is good....
> As for the rest, if any of you would like to get together for a
> teh-tarik and discuss how we can get the ecosystem going, I'm game. (I
> remember Haris(?) mentioned something like this?)...
> On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 6:32 PM, red1 <> wrote:
>> I concede my first point and i tarik balik tuduhan. I owe you one daun
>> pisang at Raju's.
>> One the 2nd last point below, i think if we can show them the numbers, i.e.
>> FOSS can generate 1% of GDP as i found out from some UN report (while
>> squatting in OSCC with Raja some time ago), i think we can prove that
>> innovation from FOSS far outweigh the short term benefit of proprietary tax.
>> A smarter nation is a more productive and innovative one, with perhaps some
>> Nobel prize geniuses in the offing. Now that is worth a billion to the
>> country if we got just one miserable candidate.
>> On 4/3/11 6:04 PM, Boh Yap wrote:
>>> hi Red1,
>>> On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 4:41 PM, red1<>  wrote:
>>>> Boh, it is ok in Malaysia because the man they hire to head MDec is not
>>>> that
>>>> technical either. Raja told me he is a salesman. And MOSTI big wigs are
>>>> left
>>>> to law abiding beaurocrats. I use to see their job specs with a
>>>> smallprint
>>>> in it: "Follow any other orders that may be given by your superior from
>>>> time
>>>> to time in compliance with General Orders." There won't be room for
>>>> creativity.
>>> hiring the ppl with the 'right skills' for the job is not even
>>> 'innovation', its just basic competency! If hiring someone with tech
>>> skills to fill some management position is considered "innovation", I
>>> really feel (bad) for Malaysia, we got a looooong way to go...
>>>> In Brunei someone told me that govt is not a good innovator. But it is a
>>>> good regulator. Thus they should come out with taxation or exemption to
>>>> generate creativity. For example, if you installed your own instead of
>>>> paying propretary vendors, you get to claim tax exemption to the amount
>>>> of
>>>> money you saved.
>>>> Trust me. There will be a gold rush for membershp forms.
>>> Ha, this will be good if it happens, but then there is a serious
>>> "conflict of interest". The vendors won't be able to make tons of
>>> money from services, so the gov. cannot tax them as much, and they
>>> have to give out money to the smart customers! - not gonna happen....

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