On 4/3/11 4:26 PM, Boh Yap wrote:


Commenting on yr hiring objectives, "it is not the technical skills
that i look for. it is their pre-disposition to acquire and adapt
technical skills.."
its not wrong, but don't you/we think it reflects sadly on our
training intituitions?

We SHOULD BE hiring for technical skills! If I'm a owner of a
data-centre, I want to be able to hire a cloud-computing expert....
but alas, our Edu system can't produce any of them. So I hire some
person whom I think has a right aptitude and train them on the job!
Don't you/anybody think this is the wrong picture!!

Boh, it is ok in Malaysia because the man they hire to head MDec is not that technical either. Raja told me he is a salesman. And MOSTI big wigs are left to law abiding beaurocrats. I use to see their job specs with a smallprint in it: "Follow any other orders that may be given by your superior from time to time in compliance with General Orders." There won't be room for creativity.

In Brunei someone told me that govt is not a good innovator. But it is a good regulator. Thus they should come out with taxation or exemption to generate creativity. For example, if you installed your own instead of paying propretary vendors, you get to claim tax exemption to the amount of money you saved.

Trust me. There will be a gold rush for OSDC.my membershp forms.


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