Good info Raja.. hmm.. i once saw an advert from a Bangalore IT school that teach JVM hacking - now that is real guru stuff which that sub-continent are great for and its cheap. Indian tour anyone?
About carrying the sifu's bag is about increasing the apprentice shock absorbing capabilties. Anyway now it has increased to back massage and kopi making which my last apprentice herein Thailand really did that! Soon i will upgrade to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh lifestyle.

On 4/3/11 10:02 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
when interviewing fresh graduates i use these :
  1. academic - as a measure of discipline, those with 3.5 cgpa grades tend to be more dateline and time concious
  2. project work - as a measure of independent research on the topic (esp literature review)
  3. blogs, forums, etc - as a measure of communicating with peers
  4. 3 years' ambition - as a measure of dedication
it is not the technical skills that i look for. it is their pre-disposition to acquire and adapt technical skills

red1, has some pretty weird criteria, like "carrying the sifu's bag".. hahaha... i would love to have some of those too

by the way, training for rhce in india is only rm600, compared to rm3000 in malaysia. exam fees are the same. some of my friends from india say it is cheaper to get certification than to get a car driving license (small bits of info that dont get published). also in india, there is still the culture of skilled apprenticeship, whereas kat malaysia boleh land, economics graduate pun boleh jadi multi-million ringgit ict project director (lepas tu project director sakit jantung sebab the pmp certified project manager tak buat project management, instead sibuk buat functional .... giler....)


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