Hello David,

> I don’t understand what you’re trying to do. From what you’ve told us,
> you’ve set up OTRS and given customers accounts. If the customer has an
> account and they use custo...@company.com, it works as expected. So far,
> well and good. The From: line is the customer’s ID, correct?.
> Exactly.

> Does n...@company.com exist as a OTRS user, or have you implemented
> something that does a lookup of *@company.com and assigns it to the
> appropriate OTRS user?****
> If not, what do you **want** OTRS to do?
> Yes. I have a customer that his ID and email is n...@company.com. In this
scenario, he does not receive messages from my OTRS system. To do a test, I
created a customer with an email n...@mycompany.com (my email
car...@mycompany.com is part of this group) and when I created a ticket, I
did not get the response.

The funny thing is:  OTRS says (looking at logs) that the email was sent
and the mail account used by OTRS also says  the email was sent (looking at
sent mail). Via customer panel I can see the response, but nothing arrives
in my email.

I’d suspect you’re getting caught by that code, especially if your mail
server is on a range of IP addresses designated as home or small business
services. Contact postmas...@google.com to find out how you can get your
server past that.

That's what I'm doing right now, I think is my last chance.

Answering Gerald:
*What happens if you send an email to customer_gr...@googlegroups.com?*

I get the messages. Well, I'm not sure if this is an OTRS issue or not.

Thank you,

Carlos Eduardo Ribas
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