Am 08.01.2017 um 19:39 schrieb Roland Franke:
>> It's still in there, as Stefano found the real bug causing problems with
>> .../latesttemp.
> But this has also an problem (For me). I will read over OWLIB from the
> OWSERVER values out (Let me say the program collectd will read it with
> the onewire plugin). I have also not all my sensors (Type 28 = DS18B20)
> external powered, so the simultanues read of values will not work.
> On this way the value of latesttemp will be only updated, when the sensor
> is read on an second way. Only latesttemp will hold his value without any
> changes.
> So it is not (For me) complete right working as i was suggesting, that the
> update of that value will be also made. But this will be never be done.
I'm sorry, I do not understand from the above what your problem is.

Kind regards


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