I don't know if this will help to explain the operation, but my code runs in a continuous loop -

 * Read all temperatures
 * Set the simultaneous/temperature bit
 * Perform logic operations, setting outputs to devices based upon
   temperatures read, etc
 * Log values to database
 * repeat.....

OK ignore the first loop. The logic and logging takes more than 1 second, so when I read the temperatures they are all converted because it was initiated at step 2 on previous loop, no wait time and no 85 degree readings.

I agree that there is a design fault with the DS1820, but it is nothing we can fix here, and Dallas are not going to do anything about it now.

Hope that helps a bit

On 08/01/17 22:30, Jan Kandziora wrote:
Am 08.01.2017 um 19:39 schrieb Roland Franke:
It's still in there, as Stefano found the real bug causing problems with
But this has also an problem (For me). I will read over OWLIB from the
OWSERVER values out (Let me say the program collectd will read it with
the onewire plugin). I have also not all my sensors (Type 28 = DS18B20)
external powered, so the simultanues read of values will not work.
On this way the value of latesttemp will be only updated, when the sensor
is read on an second way. Only latesttemp will hold his value without any
So it is not (For me) complete right working as i was suggesting, that the
update of that value will be also made. But this will be never be done.

I'm sorry, I do not understand from the above what your problem is.

Kind regards


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