On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 21:42:24 -0600, William Robb wrote:

> Most of them had packed their film in checked lugguge, not carry on.
> Film speed wasn't an issue, 100 speed was nearly as wrecked as 800, the
> difference being that on the 100 you could tell that the film had discreet
> frames on it if you held it up to a bright enough light.
> Several customers insisted that their film had been in carry on luggage and
> had been run through those machines, after recieving assurance from the
> security people that it was perfectly safe.

The CTX-5000 class machines have been going into service for the past
couple of years.  They're used only for checked baggage, AFAIK.  They
are reputed to use a low-power scan at first.  If there's anything in
the scan that low-power didn't penetrate, they supposedly increase
power until they either penetrate or run out of power and raise an
alarm.  If the information I've heard is correct, no film is safe, and
most magnetic media are probably at risk, when passed through a
CTX-5000 class scanner.


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