One thought I had was to use plastic film cassettes and walk through the
scanner. Since I bulk load most of my film, this could be an advantage. I
will try it on my next international flight.

Bob Rapp
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: New Thread - Air Travel and film

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tonghang Zhou"
> Subject: Re: New Thread - Air Travel and film
> >
> > I understand there are 3 ways to undergo the detection: A) checked-in
> > luggage, B) X-ray machine at the gate for carry-on bags, C) the
> > beeping door that you go thru.
> >
> > From what I'm hearing you guys are saying, A) and B) are ruinous
> > to film.  How about C)?  You seems to be saying C) is safe?
> Option A has the most potential for damage. The CAT scanners are instant
> well done. Thats really all thats changed I think. The high dose X-Ray
> used on checked baggage is relatively recent. The carry on X-Rays have
> always been problematic, I don't know if they have gotten worse or not.
> I am pretty sure the walk through is just detecting ferrous metals. If it
> was irradiating, it wouldn't be safe for people to pass through.
> William Robb

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