On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, William Robb wrote:

> If you are taking 120 film only, it might be an idea to put as many rolls as
> you can into a photo vest and wear them onto the plane.
> William Robb

I understand there are 3 ways to undergo the detection: A) checked-in
luggage, B) X-ray machine at the gate for carry-on bags, C) the
beeping door that you go thru.

>From what I'm hearing you guys are saying, A) and B) are ruinous
to film.  How about C)?  You seems to be saying C) is safe?

I once took my camera with film in it to a theme park, where all
the customers must go thru security check just like at airports.

I asked the uniformed guard at the gate to please hand inspect
my camera.  He just pointed at the x-ray door with his baton and
told me to go thru that.  I repeated my request to him several
times, he just commanded me to go thru that door, getting louder
each time, as if he was totally deaf to what I was saying.  I
actually felt that he was going to arrest me or something.  I guess
to these people, every one is presumed to be a terrorist.  I got
a taste of what's like to live in an iron curtain police state.

Personally I don't think these security checks can prevent anything.
It's just a harrassment for everyone.  Even worse is that these
guards seem to enjoy their new found status very much.  This is
not right.


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