But, on the other hand - the new high-end model might not have support for older lenses. If it has a new lens mount with support för internal lens motors and image shock absorbtion/vibration reduction, then it may be too complicated and too expensive to support both the new electrical features and the old mechanical ones in one package.

I doubt that very much. Implementing IS/VR inside the body is not a very practical solution imho. The reason is every lens is different, and therefore demand different approaches. If it could be done inside the body, Canon or Nikon should acknowledge the advantage and saved the manufacturing cost by not producing so many different IS/VR lenses. Besides, the camera would be significantly bigger because they needed to install 2 separate motors near the mirror box. I really don't see how it could be done, practically.

But, we don't know yet.
Allt this is nothing but pure speculation.

Of course. :-)

Alan Chan

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