-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Chris Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:21 PM
-- On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-- > Dan mentioned his Optio S today.
-- >
-- > I'm sad to report that the Optio S is off with my daughter now.
-- > The thing is so damned cute that I'm thinking about buying
-- another one and chucking film entirely...
-- > (well not really) (g)
-- >
-- > I had it around my neck for the past two days, and I
-- couldn't tell I was carrying a camera.  Plus, I get 4
-- megapixels when I take a photo and a 12X zoom.  If I could
-- resolve to live with that level of resolution, a digital SLR
-- would be pointless.
-- >
-- > The Sony S85 I picked up for myself is 4 megapixels,
-- compact, and has some additional features, but looks like a
-- 6x7 compared to the Optio S!  I'm beginning to think of
-- digital in terms of snapshots and film in terms of serious
-- pictures where magnification and detail will be enjoyed.
-- >
-- > That Optio S is sure a sweetheart!
-- >
-- I'm really happy with mine. Its nice to have a camera with me at all
-- times.  I was out shooting with my 35mm gear this weekend,
-- and I put the
-- optio S in my camera bag and couldn't find it LOL.
-- I've only had it for a month, and I'm up to 900 images on it. All
-- snapshots, but it will allow me to almost always shoot black
-- and white
-- now :) Actually, I'm shooting more film now than before I got the S.
-- - Chris
-- --
-- Chris Murray                   /"\
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]             \ /     ASCII

My Optio S sits in a bag with the *ist D at the moment, but it did get over
3300 shots over a 7 month period...  It has not gotten touched since I got
the *ist D.  Though it will still be used as a camera that will always be
with me - it is a perfect camera to carry with you.  I can still see
snapshooting with it when I do not have the *ist D with me.

The funny thing is, I showed the *ist D to the former squadron
photographer - he shoots the Nikon D1H and D1X, which is how I got to be
familiar with them.  His first comment was how it was so small.  He feared
that he would not be able to find it floating in his gear bag :-)  I
commented that a grip was available.  He thought he would need it since he
had gotten used to the Nikon's size.

My shooting season is about over but I still see my film use being the same
as before.  Last weekend I ended up shooting a roll of 35mm slides, two
rolls of medium format rolls, and about 70 rolls of digital.

Just wanted to add my little bit,


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