Steve Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Mark Roberts wrote:
>> There's an inexorable trend for sensors to increase in size and decrease
>> in price.
>A 24x36mm chunk of silicon wafer will always be a 24x36mm chunk of 
>silicon wafer, and there's no real reason that I can see to expect the 
>price of silicon to plummet.  Yields will probably go up slightly, but 
>CCDs aren't pushing the limits of feature size in the way that CPUs are, 
>so I wouldn't expect that to have much of a price impact.
>The general reason why digital devices keep plummeting in price is 
>because advancing technology allows them to be made smaller, and smaller 
>is cheaper.  Fix the size of the device and you lose that advantage. 
>You can still get "economies of scale" of course - up to a point, the 
>cost of your product decreases if you can sell it to more people.

Cost reduction will come from three factors (in increasing order of

Improvement in yield
Economies of scale
New, less expensive, manufacturing processes

Canon has been hammering away on #3 and their success has helped achieve
#2. Everyone else is lagging behind for now. Just wait until others
begin to catch up. We ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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