Mark wrote:

> Cost reduction will come from three factors (in increasing order of
> significance):
> Improvement in yield
> Economies of scale
> New, less expensive, manufacturing processes
> Canon has been hammering away on #3 and their success has helped achieve
> #2. Everyone else is lagging behind for now. Just wait until others
> begin to catch up. We ain't seen nuthin' yet.

It is interesting that yield rate was very low for the first years of CD 
manufacturing. It was said that only the most popular artist could ever be released on 
CD. The opposite happened. Production methods improved wastly with the reult that 
yield rate went up and cost down. Nowadays even the most obscure artists are available 
on CD. Yes, even albums that originally sold 80 samples 30 years ago are being 
reissued on CD.
Improvement in manufacturing methods is amost certain  to happen.


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