in those venues, it wouldn't be black though. horrible grainy mess, but not
black. as i said in another post, if these photographers can identify which
venue and which event, then it was a lousy, but successful photograph for
them. you and i would junk such a photo if we took it, after trying to
figure out why it didn't meet our expectations, whether equipment failure or
stupidity. our expectations are way above what the average photographer
expects. holding the average public to the standards of artistic photography
is stupid and a waste of time since they don't care about art and and don't
need to care. a photograph with identifiable content is a good photograph.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Simon King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: RE: Do Smarter Cameras make Dumber Photogs?

> At big sporting events (Olympics/world cup etc) you see literally
> of people sitting in stands hundreds of meters away from an arena taking
> flash photo's with their P&Ss and SLRs set to auto.
> Makes me wonder how many thousands of rolls of film were later processed
> the disappointing (read black) results shown to the shooters.

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