Ditto. I did a shoot last week where I was constantly switching from front lit to 
backlit (the wake board shots). I used an M200/4 lens and had no trouble getting the 
expsures right. In fact, it forced me to think about how I wanted to handle the shots 
with extreme backlighting. Nothing wrong with manual exposure or manual focus.

> That's the take I got from the DPreview article and the pentax press
> release.  Based on what's been described here as to how the lenses would
> work, that's fine with me.  I suppose that, coming from long time use of
> mechanical cameras, not having transitioned to autofocus, often using old
> Leicas and hand held meters, and having just acquired a 1937 Brownie-type
> box camera, the "workaround" still seems like pure luxury to me <LOL>
> Shel 
> > [Original Message]
> > Date: 9/15/2004 11:02:57 AM
> > Subject: Re: istDs - what a great camera!
> >
> > To the contrary, the dPreview review mentioned that Pentax had indicated
> that it would work with any K mount lens, although not all would be able to
> utilize full capability. Sounds like the *istD workaround, which I have
> found to be just fine.
> > Paul
> >
> >
> > > While I understand that it's too early to make final judgments, is there
> > > anything to suggest that the support won't be as good?

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