On Wednesday 22 December 2004 20:46, Fred Widall wrote:

> Anyone else finding the same thing ???

I've ripped through 1,200 images in two weeks, so there.  :-P

Seriously though.  My only justification is that most of those have come in 
'action' situations under very difficult light.  The digital has allowed me 
to open up and fire away in the hopes that something decent will end up in my 
very narrow plane of focus.  

My other photographic faculties, I guess, are the same as they ever were.  
What's changing is the way I compose--having a 50mm stuck onto mine more or 
less permanently is making me think "short tele" all the time, and causing me 
to take a lot more tight headshots than I used to.  I'm going to have to 
restore sanity and get a 35mm f/2 lens soon.  

The other thing is that the kitzoom has awakened in me a desire for a fairly 
wide-angle lens...something I hadn't even bothered with before.  Time to 
start saving for a 20mm f/2.8 A, or a Flektogon 20.....


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