I only played a bit with this combo as I only got my K10D yesterday
but AF is at least quite a bit beter than on my ist-D.

I play a bit with it tonight in interior and I let you know if I come
to any conclusion.

2007/1/5, Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm debating with myself.
> I have an urge for the K10 (who doesn't?). I've also got a need for an AF
> tele zoom for soccer, birds in flight and general use.
> The obvious solutions for those two needs is a combo of K10 and DA* 60-250.
> In a long perspective it is very likely I'll go for this combo, but I can't
> afford both at the same time.
> I'm thinking six-seven months ahead. Then I'll be going to a soccer
> tournament. Last year I tried shooting with MF. The keepers rate was low, to
> low for my needs. So what do I do? By the zoom of my dreams, the DA* and use
> it on my DS. Or do I by a K10 and DA 50-200 combo, and the DA* later?
> The soccer tournament is for kids. So the game is pretty hard to predict. In
> other words, I will need speedy AF performance. So one of the things I'm
> wondering about is the AF performance of K10/50-200. Anybody got some
> insights on this?
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> --
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> PDML@pdml.net
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Thibault Massart aka Thibouille
*ist-D,Z1,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ;) ...

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