I rather doubt that the 60-250 will be available in six-seven months.
In any case, if you want to rely on auto-focus, you should get the
K10D - with the more powerful focus motor it will operate faster than
any of the earlier models, even before the DA* SDM lenses come along.

I've shot kid's soccer with the *ist-D and the FA* 80-200; most of
the time that's enough reach, although when you need more I doubt
that the difference between 200 and 250 would be enough.  And if
you get the K10D you can crop to the center 6MP, which will give
you the same AOV as a 260mm lens :-)

On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 04:59:25PM +0100, Tim ?sleby wrote:
> I'm debating with myself. 
> I have an urge for the K10 (who doesn't?). I've also got a need for an AF
> tele zoom for soccer, birds in flight and general use. 
> The obvious solutions for those two needs is a combo of K10 and DA* 60-250.
> In a long perspective it is very likely I'll go for this combo, but I can't
> afford both at the same time. 
> I'm thinking six-seven months ahead. Then I'll be going to a soccer
> tournament. Last year I tried shooting with MF. The keepers rate was low, to
> low for my needs. So what do I do? By the zoom of my dreams, the DA* and use
> it on my DS. Or do I by a K10 and DA 50-200 combo, and the DA* later? 
> The soccer tournament is for kids. So the game is pretty hard to predict. In
> other words, I will need speedy AF performance. So one of the things I'm
> wondering about is the AF performance of K10/50-200. Anybody got some
> insights on this?
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> -- 
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