
Tim Øsleby wrote:
> I'm debating with myself. 
> I have an urge for the K10 (who doesn't?). I've also got a need for an AF
> tele zoom for soccer, birds in flight and general use. 
> The obvious solutions for those two needs is a combo of K10 and DA* 60-250.
> In a long perspective it is very likely I'll go for this combo, but I can't
> afford both at the same time. 
> I'm thinking six-seven months ahead. Then I'll be going to a soccer
> tournament. Last year I tried shooting with MF. The keepers rate was low, to
> low for my needs. So what do I do? By the zoom of my dreams, the DA* and use
> it on my DS. Or do I by a K10 and DA 50-200 combo, and the DA* later? 
> The soccer tournament is for kids. So the game is pretty hard to predict. In
> other words, I will need speedy AF performance. So one of the things I'm
> wondering about is the AF performance of K10/50-200. Anybody got some
> insights on this?

Tim, you're asking very difficult question. Here are some considerations 
that come to my mind. Could be some of them are incorrect, so please 
read what I am going to write with critical mind.

1. K10D has very fast AF. I think that it is *way* faster than *istD. I 
have observed that many times K10D would report that *more than one* AF 
sensor is in focus (red light), while *istD only reports one sensor. 
This I think is significant.

2. I don't have 50-200 but I had 70-210 and now have 80-200/4.7-5.6. I 
couldn't try 70-210 with K10D, 'cause the lens is broken, but 80-200 
focuses good and fast. However, at least several times in indoors light 
the AF hunted.

3. I generally tend to believe that the less the throw from closest 
focus to infinity the more rapid is AF process. It simply takes less 
time to rotate the lens. Older tele zooms that I own have rather big 
focus throw.

4. I've been shooting game of basketball few times with *istD and FA 
50/1.7. It were my co-workers playing so that I could physically come 
very close to them. I've set my *istD to continuous AF and I don't 
remember missing even a single shot due to AF problems.

These are just considerations that popped in my mind. I dare not make 
any conclusions from these. So, it will have to be you, Tim ;-).



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