On Feb 21, 2007, at 12:12 PM, K.Takeshita wrote:

> On 2/21/07 2:56 PM, "Godfrey DiGiorgi", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There have been so many people disparaging Sony in the still camera
>> market over the past five to seven years I simply ignore this kind of
>> stuff.
>> Of course, many older photographic companies have gone out of
>> business, but that's been happening constantly over the past 40 years
>> anyway, it's just accelerated a bit in recent days due to the huge
>> transition in technology.
>> Good news is that I have a camera that works well, there are plenty
>> of others available if this one stops working, and overall I don't
>> care what axe I use as long as I get to chop the wood needed to cook
>> dinner.
> Perhaps you should keep ignoring :-).  It's just other persons'  
> view (and
> often merely an entertaining topic) and anybody is free to ignore it.
> Different people have different opinions.  These other persons are  
> also
> ignoring yet other people's topic.  It is just that they do not  
> bother to
> take time to come out and say that the topics are stupid and to be  
> ignored.
> :-)


I didn't say the topic was stupid or that everyone should ignore it.  
I said that *I* ignore it. I ignore it because I've heard the same   
things a bazillion times over and over again. I'm tired of hearing  
about it. That's *my* opinion. I hope I have your permission to  
ignore what I want to ignore.

Sony will do what makes them profit, just like Pentax or Nikon or  
Leica or anyone else in BUSINESS *ought* to do. If you don't make a  
profit, you don't stay in business. They have a long history of being  
in the electronic imaging market. Since that's where photography is  
now, I expect them to be around there for a long time, making  
products. Whether they stay in the DSLR market is irrelevant to me at  
present ... I use Pentax equipment right now.

Will they be making the products that I want to buy, personally? I  
don't know. I've owned several Sony cameras and, aside from the F828,  
they all produced very good photographs. I currently still have the  
R1 but my use of it has pretty much ceased since Pentax delivered the  
10Mpixel body.


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