----- Original Message ----- 
From: "P. J. Alling"
Subject: Re: 85mm f1.8 SMCT on ebay : $400+

>I doubt that was the case of the Epson RD-1, or any Voightlander Bessa
> film model for that matter as they were aimed directly at the existing
> Leica s and l lens base.  I doubt that Cosina doesn't at least break
> even, (cover R&D, all manufacturing costs and return on investment),  on
> every unit sold.  They have to  or they wouldn't stay in business  for
> long.

Both are made by companies (Espon Seiko, Cosina), which can afford to make a 
couple of nice things that don't turn a profit. My understanding is that the 
Bessa is pretty much the Cosina SLR with the SLR bits removed.
An M42 DSLR would have to fit the same pattern, which is a product made by a 
company that doesn't care if they make money on it.
Buy an M42 adaptor Krazy Glue it to a K100, it's as close to a dedicated M42 
DSLR as you are likely to get.

William Robb 

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