If the camera was the only source of profit, it would need to be so 
expensive that customers will stay away in droves.

Of course a single rich-as-f**k customer could bankroll the whole project, 
like the recent Zeiss lens which was made bespoke for an oil-rich Arab 
prince.  IIRC it was a 1600mm f2.8 for 6x6cm, and weighed in at over 600kg. 
Regrettably I lost the link when a virus crashed my OS last week, but you 
get the idea, I'm sure.  Money opens doors and makes stuff happen...... so 
do you have the funds?

Anthony Farr

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:44 PM
Subject: RE: 85mm f1.8 SMCT on ebay : $400+

> no, you dont get it, the only reason why a M42 dslr will
> be produced is if there is sufficient demand for it and it alone and a
> profit
> to be made on it alone as it is. I do not believe lens sales
> are necessary for that situation to occur. I also dont
> beleive all DSLR cameras are now or/will always be "free razors" sold at
> cost
> just to sell blades (lenses). An M42 DSLR would be a speciality item
> specifically for people who only want to buy the new body, cost
> will be higher, yes, but not necessarily economically unfeasable forever
> which is what
> you are implying here.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----

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