Bill wrote:

> There was a thread recently about MZ-S data imprinting and whether it was
> done at time of exposure or during rewind.  I can now answer the question.
> At work tonight, I put the MZ-S in our dark box, opened the back and removed
> about half a roll.  Stuck it in the film processor and when it exited, the
> exposure data was where it was supposed to be.  Therefore, the MZ-S imprints
> the exposure data at the time of exposure.

This can't be. I don't know what you did but what you describe is impossible.

1. The dataemitter led is a point source. Theres no row of emitters. Hence, it cannot 
print during exposure. Only during wind or rewind while the film is traveling.  The 
dataemitter is on the right side of the pressure plate on the back (right side when 
the back is opened - left side of the film chamber)
2. The data cannot be imprinted during wind due to the fact that the dataimprinting 
emitter is placed on the left side of the shutter.  This means that the emmitter is 
placed next to the next shot on the film not the one you are shooting. Ie. if 
dataimprinting was done upon winding data will be off with one frame on all frames; 
data for frame 12 would be imprinted on frame 13. The only way to make dataimprinting 
work upon wind and shooting is for the camera to have telephatic powers so that it 
knows the exposure before you make it! Imprinting can only happen on rewind. To put it 
clear: the film moves from left to right. The dataemmitter is to the left. This means 
that the film is transported past the emitter BEFORE the image is taken. Hence its 
impossible to imprint data during exposure or wind. 
3. The dataimprinting during rewind is also proven on those cameras that had the over 
lapping frame syndrome. The overlapping frames did not have overlapping data imprinted 
something that would have happened if the imprinting followed the wind of the camera. 
The data was imprinted as it would be if the camera frames were correctly spaced. This 
could not have happened if data were imprinted on wind.
4. The Pentax MZ-S patens clearly state how the data is imprinted on rewind. That it 
use a sprocket hole counter and memory of exposure data deleted upon rewind of the 
5. Theres no way possible to make dataimprinting between the sprocket holes upon 
exposure/wind without variable speed winding and/or uneven spacing between frames or 
very sophisticated sensor and emmitter software making sure you don't pint IN the 
holes not between them. 

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