Matt, list,

So, [the token of] smoke [in your mind], as understood as being a type,
e.g., relating to other instances of smoke, is a perceptual judgment.

This is still a poor way of stating the matter. The token is not a type;
but your statement, as worded, suggests that it is. There is smoke as a
token, and there is smoke as a type. The token and the type are not the
same thing. The token, in being related to other tokens, is not thereby a
type. The token is an instance of a type, and the type is what refers to
all the instances. A token, rightly, only refers to the 'here and now', and
not to other tokens like it, which are other 'here and now's'.

But your point is taken: "I meant that the token of a type 'smoke' is a
perceptual judgment."

-- Franklin


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:17 AM, Matt Faunce <> wrote:

> On 12/13/15 9:38 AM, Franklin Ransom wrote:
> Matt wrote:
> EP2.227: "perceptual judgments contain general elements," whereas percepts
>> don't. So, if you have a general type (legisign) in mind then you have a
>> perceptual judgment. So, smoke, as understood as being a type, e.g.,
>> relating to other instances of smoke, is a perceptual judgment.
> Smoke, qua type, is not a perceptual judgment. A perceptual judgment is
> not the general element, but includes the general as its predicate.
> I meant that the token of a type 'smoke' is a perceptual judgment. I hoped
> that would've been understood from the context, e.g., my clause "relating
> to *other instances* of smoke," as an instance is a token, not a
> generality. As usual, I could've written it better. Then I continued to
> give my argument for the fact that there can be no token in perception
> without that token being of a type, concluding with "If this is correct
> then all perceptual judgments are dicisigns." Let me add bracketed
> insertions to my first paragraph to clarify what I meant:
>      EP2.227: "perceptual judgments contain general elements," whereas
> percepts don't. So, if you have a general type (legisign) in mind then you
> have a perceptual judgment. So, [the token of] smoke [in your mind], as
> understood as being a type, e.g., relating to other instances of smoke, is
> a perceptual judgment.
> I continued...
> Any dichotomy made within a percept is a perceptual judgment. One very
>> basic dichotomy is 'me and not me'. The judgment 'x is not me' is judging x
>> to be the general class of 'not me'. The judgment 'x is not y' is to
>> generalize x by thinking it belongs to the general class of not y.  For
>> example, let's say 'x is not y' is 'the dark part* of my percept is
>> different from the light part'; this is a way of typifying x, the dark
>> side, as 'not y', 'not of the same type as the light part.'
>> In merely seperating the tone of dark from the tone of light, the tone of
>> dark becomes a token of the type 'not the tone of light'. I can't imagine
>> there can be a token that's not also a type of this most basic kind. If
>> this is correct then all perceptual judgments are dicisigns.
>> Your question about how the categories fit into this analysis is a good
>> one.
>> * Here I mean the word 'dark' as only indicating the mere tone
>> (qualisign), i.e., before 'dark' is typified with other instances of dark.
>> Similarly, 'x is not y' etc., need not be verbalized propositions. It seems
>> to me that this basic level of dicisign precedes the sinsign, in that 'x',
>> 'the dark tone' only comes as a result of the distinction (this basic level
>> generalization)
> Matt
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