Gary R., List:

Thank you for your very kind words.  I look forward to further feedback and

I actually debated formatting the summary just as you proposed, but
ultimately decided to add the fourth bullet as tacit acknowledgement that
identifying God as the Object that determines the Universe as a Sign is not
strictly entailed by the syllogism itself.  Instead, it follows from the
other considerations that I highlighted toward the end of my original post.

I am curious to learn exactly how you (or others) would define panentheism
in this context, as contrasted with theism, and then attempt to revise the
major premise accordingly in order to obtain a compatible conclusion.
Peirce explicitly described the Object as "something external to and
independent of the sign" (R 145; 1905), rather than something *greater than
*but still somehow *inclusive of *the Sign; and he also stated plainly, "In
its relation to the Object, the Sign is passive ... the Object remaining
unaffected" (EP 2:544n22; 1906).

Frankly, I am seeking not only to argue for Peirce's views about God, but
also to demonstrate that his views about Signs and the Universe
*warranted *those
views about God--perhaps even *required *them.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 4:56 PM Gary Richmond <>

> Jon, list,
> This is, in my opinion, a most impressive semeiotic argument (really, an
> extended *argumentation* in Peirce's sense) for the Reality of God. This
> is to say that it would seem to me to be an explication of Peirce's (and, I
> assume, your) religious views as they relate to his sign theory,
> representing a kind of outline of a *Peircean semeiotic theology (*of
> course Peirce himself sometimes argued *contra* the theologians). It
> brings together, at least as far as I can tell, *the most salient
> passages *in Peirce relating to that argument in a forceful logical tour
> de force. I have read many papers and several books on Peirce's religious
> views, but I have found them all significantly wanting in some respects.
> So, I'm eagerly anticipating studying your argumentation to see how it
> holds up upon examination.
> For now, my only very, very slight 'adjustment' to your post would be to
> make your four summary points, three, since they obviously constitute a
> syllogism. So:
>    - Every Sign is determined by an Object other than itself.
>    - The entire Universe is a Sign.
>    - Therefore, the entire Universe is determined by an Object other than
>    itself; and this we call God.
> I can imagine that you'll get all sorts of push back from this deductive
> argument, for example, from those who consider themselves panentheists. But
> the response to that *sort *of difference of opinion is simply that what
> you're arguing for is *Peirce's view of the matter*, one which sees God
> as the Creator of the Three Universes; and how this is clearly intimately
> tied up with his theory of signs.
> As for purely logical issues that may arise upon examination of your
> deductive argument, you'll have to take these as they come, I suppose. And
> some will surely argue that such a deductive argument can only be of so
> much value since, as they might see it, faith in God is not essentially a
> logical matter. But for those philosophers and semioticians who already
> hold a Creator view of God, the argument surely offers considerable support.
> I have only read your argument twice so far, and have not yet seen any
> logical flaws; of course others may. However, the very clarity of your
> argumentation makes me wonder anew about my own view of this matter. I
> have, perhaps, once again begun to reflect on my own tendencies toward
> panentheism. I had previously thought that my religious views were quite
> close to Peirce's. But since I find your argument as following logically
> and naturally from Peirce's semeiotic, the intra-personal tension it's
> creating--between theism and panentheism--can only be of value to me in the
> long run.
> Best,
> Gary
> *Gary Richmond*
> *Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
> *Communication Studies*
> *LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
> *718 482-5690*
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