As I said before, I believe that JAS has been trying to
force Peirce's writings into a rigid box.  Peirce repeatedly said that his
ideas were constantly growing.  In fact, that is why he was unable to
finish his many book projects:  as he starts writing, he gets so many new
ideas that earlier chapters need to be rewritten.  When he does that, he
needs to rewrite the later ones.  That leads to an endless cycle of
But Jon's project is  static.  It's impossible for any
static project to capture the open-ended growth of Peirce's
GR>  seeing John's self-contradictions spelled out was
pretty astonishing, and revealing, to me as well. They've been pointed out
before; I've done so myself on-list and off-list, apparently to no
No!  When anybody points out a mistake that I made, I
immediately correct it.
But neither you nor JAS has ever found a
self-contradiction in anything I
 wrote.  There are some points where you disagreed with my
interpretation of what Peirce wrote.  The issues are rather subtle, and
 I've been busy with other writings.  When they're published, I'll show
how they explain the issues that Peirce was addressing.
As for that
off-list note, I did not respond because the note was so hopelessly wrong
that there was no point in saying anything.
As for my reasons for
supporting the comments by Edwina, Auke, and others, the reasons are
simple:  they have a more open-ended attitude that is closer in spirit to
what Peirce was writing,   Even when I have some quibbles about what they
write, they are more willing to discuss the issues and evaluate the
I find their manner of discussion a breath of fresh
air in comparison to Jon's rigid box.  I have often pointed out some
serious misinterpretations that Jon made.   But he never admits any
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