On 20 Dec 2007, at 18:19, Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Andy Armstrong wrote:

His view: cpan-testers are incompetent, ego tripping, quasi- religious nuisances.

I think there's some truth to this view.

For support I submit this bug ticket - 

Yes, that's sucky. But that's one tester and not, I think, typical.

On the other hand, that was an exception, though a really annoying one.

You were remarkably restrained in your reply :)

My other big annoyance with smoke testers/reporters is that a lot of folks simply do not respond to requests for more information. It's generally pretty rare that the failure report includes enough information for me to do anything about it, so without an engaged party on the other end, it really is just noise.

I think Barbie has been on a drive to make testers more contactable and, by implication, responsive.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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