--- Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Andy Armstrong wrote:
> > His view: cpan-testers are incompetent, ego tripping,
> quasi-religious 
> > nuisances.
> I think there's some truth to this view.
> For support I submit this bug ticket -
> http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=27208

Sorry Dave, but I understand Imacat's point of view.  I think part of
the issue is that English is not Imacat's first language and as a
result, I think some social niceties have gotten lost in translation. 
Imacat does a fantastic job of testing modules for people and I for one
have been very grateful for his/her work in this area.

To summarize what I think Imacat's point is:  some CPAN testers quite
deliberately have only core modules installed in order to catch issues
just like this.  As a result, anything which assumes a non-core module
(like your Makefile.PL previously assuming Module::Build was available)
is simply going to fail.

In fact, with Module::Build, it's even more problematic than with other
modules.  I know there are many people who simply won't have anything
to do with Module::Build and won't install it.  While the specific
reasons listed in http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=458282 have gone away,
there are still other general reasons (including "religious" ones)
which keep people from adopting Module::Build or installing it.

So honestly, don't let a language barrier get in the way.  Germans can
seem incredibly rude to Americans when the speak English while we
sometimes seem incredibly obsequious due to how we approach asking
questions.  If you don't know the cultural differences shaping the
language choices, it can seem horrifying.

So give Imacat another chance :)


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