On Mar 4, 2004, at 7:45 AM, Michael Scott wrote:

On 4 Mar 2004, at 15:51, Dan Sugalski wrote:

I'd like to remove non-modified, non-parrot Perl modules from lib and install them via CPAN.pm.

No. Sorry, definitely not. Parrot's config isn't going to install perl modules off the 'net any more than it's going to run apt-get on systems that support it. We either provide it or do without.

Which is how I originally looked at it when I added Pod::Simple.

But then Robert asked "why are we including CPAN modules that we are not likely to change into the parrot repository?", and Leo suggested the "prominent notes" approach, which left me with the impression that this was something that had to be dealt with.

So, do I just leave Pod::Simple there?

Personally, I think it's worth a few KB for the convenience we currently have, of being able to grab the parrot source and build without additional installation. (All of lib is only 187 KB compressed, and that includes the Parrot:: modules.)


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