> >I'd like to remove non-modified, non-parrot Perl modules from lib 
> >and install them via CPAN.pm.
> No. Sorry, definitely not.  Parrot's config isn't going to install 
> perl modules off the 'net any more than it's going to run apt-get on 
> systems that support it. We either provide it or do without.

Huh?  Dan, what are you smoking?

Every project has dependencies.  For now, perl5 and a handful of
modules are one of parrot's prereqs.  That's quite reasonable.  If
someone can't install a few perl5 modules, they probably shouldn't be
building parrot.

There's no reason to include large, independently maintained modules
like Pod::Simple in the parrot CVS tree and tarball.  It just turns
into a maintenance nightmare, should we ever start modifying these
things.  And while the parrot tree is relatively small right now - it
won't always be.  Might as well keep it small while we can.

I don't understand why you are insisting on including these things.
Please clarify.


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