"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> The firewall is relevant depending on your circumstances. In any case it 
> would
> take you all of one minute to disable your firewall to test out this "wild
> far out suggestion". At the most you would have lost one minute but you 
> would
> have either:
> - gained the satisfaction of saying "I told you the firewall was 
> irrelevant,
> now go away and stop wasting my time with your ridiculous suggestions"
> or
> - you would have found the cause of your problem

It definitely takes more than a minute. It takes nearly a minute just to 
logoff one user and I often have another user, the Administrator account, 
also logged in. If the Administrator account is not lgged in already, then I 
must log in to it to shutdown ZoneAlarm. Then the system must shutdown and 
restart. While that is happening, I must unplug the cable modem to ensure I 
get nothing from/to the outside, but that can be done in parrallel with 
system shutdown. However I must stay at the system while this is happening; 
I prefer to unplug the cable after the system disconnects from the modem. 
Then I must log in to at least one account and start a few things, such as 
Apache. Relatively speaking, Apache starts immediatley, so it is not very 
relevant, but it does take time for my system to start. Then after the test 
I must restart ZoneAlarm, restart the system and be sure to plug the modem 
back in while the system starts. The whole operation is likely to take 
nearly a half hour at least.

> Contrast that with the number of posts you have made denying that the 
> firewall
> could be a problem, and stating adamantly that you will not do 
> such-and-such
> a thing because it is 'not supposed' to happen like that.

The problem is all the people that persist in saying the same thing. I am 
smart enough to think of the things being suggested. It is the type of thing 
that is very easy to suggest. I get frustrated by people suggesting things 
just because they are easy to suggest. Therefore when people make a 
suggestion that is more likely to be relevant it is difficult for me to 
determine which ones are worthwhile. And again, I am able to think of things 
such as eliminating the firewall as a possibility. It is okay for people to 
suggest that, but unless they can show me something that clearly says it is 
relevant, then they won't accomplish anything by insisting.

One problem is that I get answers that are not accurate, so it is difficult 
to know which ones are accurate.

The most important thing is that unless people give me a clear explanation 
of what they are saying, it is useless to insist. I don't mind a suggestion 
as much as it is the insisting that causes problems. Therefore from my point 
of view, it is the insistance by others that keep the discussion going (in 
useless directions).

There is one person in particular that tries too hard to help and then when 
I politely say I am getting too much help I get criticized. That is not a 
productive attitude.

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