On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 15:06:11 -0700, Sam Hobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am the original poster. The reason I avoid doing things like that is
> because it is a guess. It should not be necessary; the firewal should not be
> relevant. Sometimes people suggest things that are not likely to be a
> solution but are easy to suggest.

Yeah, seeing how we don't have physical access to your system that's
all you will get is guesses and suggestions.  If you want definative
answers, hire a consultant, bring them to your pc, and pay them to fix

> However I also believe in being methodical and in verifying assumptions. It
> does help to eliminate possilities. Something that has not been mentioned is
> that I am using versions that are not fully tested,

If you wanted us to know what versions of software you are using, no
one is stopping you from saying so.

> so it is possible that
> there are bugs.

Since when does "fully tested" mean bug free?

> Apparently something is trying to use the internet that is
> not supposed to. If I am correct, then it is difficult to say what I should
> try except that I should eliminate possibilities in the manner you say.

You obviously know what's best Sam..  Good luck.

Greg Donald

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