rbl wrote: 
> Thanks and apologies for the delay in replying.
> Since I changed the Live Stream Preference to HLS > DASH > MP3 >
> FlashAAC the problem is partially fixed in that I can now start the BBC
> easily by just pressing play.

I think this may be wishful thinking rather than actual improvement.

> However it does not start automatically on wake up.
I cannot test until you tell me exactly how you shutdown and wake up the
players and systems. 
Does the player shut the server down ?
Does the server shutdown out of inactivity ?
Is the server woken by a keyboard press
Is the server woken by a WakeOnLan magic packet ?  If so is the Server
wireless or wired connection to player ? 
What is the W10's "state" (as defined by MS) of the server when it is
asleep ? 

There are so many options and variations -that I cannot test unless I
have information.

>  However I now realise that this is part of a bigger problem in that
> just playing ordinary FLAC music doesn't restart either. I have tried
> "Pause / Resume" and "Stop / Restart Song" settings, neither work. Am
> using 3 sync'd SB3s. The main thing was to make it easy to start BBC
> which is now fixed. Thanks very much...

My gut feel is that it is somehting to do with server taking too much
time to wakeup. More time than the LMS s/w allows especially with synced
players and so LMS s/w timeouts 

As I said above I don't think HLS will necessarily be a better option
there is very little difference in implementation.  MP3 is quite a
different implementation.

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