Thanks very much for the quick reply. 

mherger wrote: 
> Ok, I googled a little more, and "500 EOF" seems to be an error thrown
> by perl's LWP::UserAgent module. It somehow fails to correctly connect
> to the endpoint.
> Are you behind a proxy server by any chance? Could you please restart
> the whole chain from router to NAS and run another scan?
> How familiar are you editing script files? If I gave you some
> instructions what to change in a give file, would you be able to do this
> on your readynas?
> -- 
> Michael

--I’m not behind a proxy server.
--Since Smartmix vers 1.20/1.22 I haven’t changed my system in any
significant way. I’ve added some new music files, but they’re clean
redbook CD rips that probably do not affect the plugin. 
--I sequentially restarted my modem > router > NAS, then ran Clear
Library and Rescan Everything. This went to completion in the usual
time. Scanner log did not look different from yesterday’s log; all the
same “500 EOF” lines are there. Still no mixing action from Smartmix. 
--I’m pretty sure that I can edit any script files on the NAS using
WinSCP, but less confident if I must use PuTTY and command lines. 
--Although I don’t understand what the module you mentioned actually is,
I think I’ve found it at  /opt/remote/lib/perl/LWP/  .

Happy to attempt any fixes that you suggest.  I keep an old copy of
SqueezeboxServer_7.6.2~33302-sparc-readynas.bin around for
reinstallation in case my amateur poking goes awry :-)

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