[13-06-12 10:35:00.0895] Plugins::SmartMix::API::_call (314) bless({
  _content => "500 EOF\n",
  _headers => bless({
  "client-date"    => "Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:34:57 GMT",
  "client-warning" => "Internal response",
  "content-type"   => "text/plain",
  }, "HTTP::Headers"),
  _msg => "EOF",
  _rc => 500,

Ok, I googled a little more, and "500 EOF" seems to be an error thrown by perl's LWP::UserAgent module. It somehow fails to correctly connect to the endpoint.

Are you behind a proxy server by any chance? Could you please restart the whole chain from router to NAS and run another scan?

How familiar are you editing script files? If I gave you some instructions what to change in a give file, would you be able to do this on your readynas?


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