
Junyah, he say: <<Well, they've got Adam Ant and Siouxsie to answer for,
don't they <g>. One nation's pop starts are another's objects of derision, I

Hey! I'm the proud owner of more than a couple of Adam and the Ants LPs.
(everybody sing along, "Prince Charming, Prince Charming...") and spent my
share of 80s afternoons with Martha Quinn entertaining me with videos from
Siouxsie, Duran Duran, et. al.

I recall from my one and only trip to England that one of the BBC channels
on the radio was dedicated to country music. I recall the announcer saying
something like "This is BBC 4, y'all" or something like that. My friends and
I giggled more than a bit to hear him struggle to say "y'all" in a
gen-you-wine manner. As I recall, the station was pretty heavy at the time
on the Kenny Rogers-Barbara Mandrell stuff, which fits with what was going
on back in the homeland as well. I adjusted my radio accordingly in hopes of
hearing some Adam Ant. (I bought an Adam Ant and a Duran Duran vinyl on that
trip thankyewverymuch.)

It still doesn't explain what makes Dolly or Don laughable to the English.
Good heavens, is there no justice in this world at all?

I don't know what any of this has to do with pop tarts.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: The Countrypolitans, Tired of Drowning

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