Joe Gracey wrote:

I remember one tiny little old lady, dressed to the nines in a black

> cowgirl outfit of rather dubious provenance, who came up to Kimmie after
> our show in Hartleypool and began to hiss squinty-eyed right in Kimmie's
> face. She said "I don't like you! I don't like you atall! You don't play
> country music! 'Tis jazz!! 'Tis jazz!!" and stomped off in her
> psuedo-cowgirl boots.

Sad, but a highly accurate summarization of the UK country & western
circuit. It took my family a good few years to come to the conclusion that
if they say that then you must be *really* good. I know lovely people that
frequent these clubs and so I don't want to generalize too much, but, well,
in general, these people are totally mad. Really, they are.

I hope you don't think too badly of us Brits. We're not all like that,
honest <g>


If you like rocking country music, check out the Okeh Wranglers web site

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