<< > So, would it be wrong of me to review this CD?  I have no financial
 > no involvement business-wise, etc.
 Absolutely not.

Well... this is a dicey one, and I'd like to think that every journalist on
the planet has at least considered such ethics now and then. If the thank you
is simply for some press you might have given the artist along the way, I find
no conflict. But overall, I think it's absolutely imperative that you let your
editor know the relationship beforehand. Beyond that, and if you still get the
green light, I consider it your own cross to bear. It is you that has to sit
down and write the review, hopefully you will be doing it for all the right
reasons and without any strings attached. In other words, if it sucks, you are
still comfortable telling the world so. Otherwise you shouldn't touch the

Two cents from atop the ethical dungheap.

Neal Weiss

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