In a message dated 1/16/99 3:12:07 PM PDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  So, would it be wrong of me to review this CD?  I have no financial
 no involvement business-wise, etc.    >>

   The difference between production credits (you produced, annotated,
engineered the CD) and a thank-you in the credits (your name on a list) is the
key here.
   I would *never* review a CD I had anything to do with. In fact, I've about
quit reviewing *any* MCA reissues because I work so closely and am such good
friends with the head of their reissue department. It just "feels" like a
potential conflict of interest. 
   But thanks are different. I've been thanked on CDs by people I've never met
and often had no idea why they thanked me. You can't control thanks, usually,
they just pop up to surprise you every now and then if you've got friends or
associates who are musicians.
   I don't see you're doing anything out of line here.

Mary Katherine

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