You're exactly right.

I am a sad case.
Except, I think, you're confusing me with someone with any kind of self
Sure, I feel happy when someone praises one of my favorite bands' music,
but it has absolutely nothing to do with me.
I'm not on those records.

I just wish my bud's in Austin could be appreciated the way they should
I was just trying (poorly, I guess) pointing out that Rob and Keith
where getting almost no credit at all.
And I tried to tack on an ad for GHOSTS at the end (shouldn't have done
that, I guess).

I certainly wasn't trying to put down The Damnations.
After all, the Damnations are the second best band in Austin.

--Matt Cook

P.S.-Sorry if I pissed you off.  I pissed myself off when I reread my
post, it does sound a little like I was putting the girls down a bit.

JP Riedie wrote:
> Because I'm in a bad mood, this whole post really pissed me off.  Can it
> really be that your entire self-worth is predicated on The Gourds and what
> others think of them?  That's pathetic. This is the Damnations shot.  How
> petulant and prissy of you to stomp your feet and hold your breath because
> the Gourds don't get mentioned everytime somebody praises the Damnations!
> Lots of people consider the Damnations superior to the Gourds.  Though this
> may never be comprehensible within your sad little worldview, it remains a
> fact.   To sooth yourself in the face of this grave injustice is quite
> natural.   It's just reprehensible to do so by minimizing a great band
> and grudgingly acknowledging contributions of Deb and Amy as some sort of
> footnote to the contributions of the men that surround them.  It's
> disgusting and I hope a bunch of female musicians corner your ass someday
> soon.

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