At 05:30 PM 1/20/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Hm. OK, you performing types -- and I know there's a few on the list --
>knowing what we know about being signed, the infamous Steve Albini thing
>and Jimmie Dale Gilmore's debt to Elektra and all, why does anyone still
>*want* to be signed?

Good question, Bob.....though I'm not totally opposed to being signed to a
major, I believe there are certain aspects that can't be overlooked. I
think the biggest aspect, in my humble opinion is the marketing clout. The
majors have the bucks and infrastructure to get to a larger audience by way
of thier marketing bucks and influence on commercial radio (no I did not
say payola, that's illegal <g>). Donuts work, though. 

For the artist, you wanna play, you wanna write, you want people to hear
your work. You want to sell records so you can keep doing the other things.
Commercial radio is demographics and money. Smaller labels have a very hard
time busting through to the PD. Therefore, for the most part, the smaller
labels get their biggest support from non com radio. Doesn't pay much in
royalties. Tour, tour, tour....

On the other hand, I could not be happier with my little label. They give
us complete control over our records..(I DON'T HEAR A SINGLE)...we don't
owe them money big bucks when we are done..(WE NEED 250,000 IN SALES TO
BREAK EVEN!)..and he works hard for us when we tour. Together we chart our
destiny, and as the label grows, so does the band. Hopefully, together we
can make a dent, and while we're at it make enough scratch to feed
ourselves and buy strings. I've watched enough of my compadres here in AZ
go the major route only to emerge from the other end bruised and banged up
and still somewhat monetarily embarrassed....So joy of joys, I get to
continue working my stinking day job through the whole production process
knowing in the end that I didn't have to compromise my craft and don't owe
a bunch of money for a record that may or may not get label support
depending on the labels merger status.

Also, a bunch of thirtysomething guys playing Americana(TM) probobly are
not as marketable as a bunch of good looking twenty year olds playing
alternarock. (My little reality check).  

Chris House
Ignitors (brought to you by)
Hayden's Ferry Records

BTW, Stu...Where's my check? <g>

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