Did anyone check out Farmer Not So John's last album RECIEVER?  Matthew Ryan
plays on a bunch of it, and a bunch of the FNSJ guys played on

np whigs 1969

>From: Morgan Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s
>Date: Fri, Apr 16, 1999, 1:36 PM

>>Matthew Ryan....yes, yes, yes. I dunno how this escaped so many 
>>people's radar (I was lucky to hear about him a little ahead of hte 
>>curve because of Neal). Lots of good reviews, and I bet it sold 10 
>Indeed!  What an amazing album!  Every damn song on it knocks me out...

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