On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Carl Abraham Zimring wrote:

> BTW, I also happen to think Cobain was a pretty fabulous craftsman. 
> Jerry, wasn't he poppy enough for you?

Naw Carl,

You'll have to visit with my evil pop counterpart, Bill silvers.  He likes
his pop crunchy, I like it lush and overdubbed all to hell.

I found Nirvana to be way to raw and underproduced for my liking.  Also, I
found Cobain's voclas to be less than pleasing.  His songs had a
particular urgency particularly given what we know about him in hindsight.
I wih he was still making music though because he's one of those
intriguing artists that I wait and see (and hope) they do something that
entralls me.


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